What To Do If Insurance Doesn’t Pay Enough
What To Do If Insurance Doesn’t Pay Enough: If you’ve ever been in a car accident, you know how stressful it can be to argue with insurance companies and other drivers about coverage.
Florida law requires drivers to only have a minimum of $10,000 in property damage liability to another person’s property in the event of an accident. But what do you do when the damage to your vehicle or property exceeds $10,000?
The short answer is when relying on third-party fault coverage and the amount allotted for repairs may not be enough, you are left to pay the remaining property expenses out-of-pocket or directly the individual that caused the accident. The alternative is to go through your own insurance to pay. But this option only works if you have the right coverage.
It is always a good idea to review your insurance policy before an accident occurs. Examine your coverage to be sure you understand what it covers and what it doesn’t. When third party property damage liability is not enough, collision coverage can help when you need more money for repairs.
Suing an individual to recover the remaining costs from your damaged property after liability insurance has been exhausted might be a futile attempt. Chances are the opposing party will not have the money to pay your expenses. If the person is uncollectible, you will have wasted a great deal of time and money.
Before you take legal action against a party for property damage sustained in an accident, seek legal advice from a knowledgeable Property Damage Attorney who can help you determine the best course of action.